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Message from the Mayor 


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Welcome to the Municipality of Trinity Bay North website! The towns of Little Catalina, Catalina, Port Union, and Melrose have come together in partnership and cooperation to share community services and improve infrastructure.


Catalina Elementary is the heart of the community, providing quality education for students from Kindergarten to Grade 8. Our community volunteers are dedicated individuals who provide programs and services to better the lives of others. They lead and support several organizations including the: Trinity Bay North Fire Department (Stations 1 and 2), Golden Hind Sea Cadet Corps, 1st Port Union Boy Scouts of Canada, Girl Guides of Canada-Catalina Unit, 50 Plus Club, Port Union Lions Club, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 16, TBN Recreation Committee, and Tidy Towns to name a few.


We are excited to welcome the establishment of new businesses and to have long-standing businesses being transferred to the next generation of business leaders. The strengthening economy is a direct result of the perseverance of the people, their commitment to community, and their recognition of the opportunities for growth within the Municipality.



​Little Catalina, Catalina, Port Union and Melrose are relatively new to the tourism industry. Look-Out Pond Park is a unique geological feature representing glacier scraping and a favorite place to swim in summer. We have two trails that are part of the Hike Discovery Hiking Trail network, a 7.7 km loop in Port Union named the Murphy’s Cove – Lodge’s Pond Trail, and a 17 km linear trail that links Little Catalina to Maberly. Our hiking trails have been developed for residents and visitors to enjoy. They provide an opportunity to view rugged coastline, beautiful vistas, wild flowers and wooded areas.

For those of you who want to delve into history, I invite you to visit Arch’s Dream Museum in Catalina, and the National Historic District of Port Union.

Arch’s Dream Museum is located at the intersection of Church Street and Route230. The Museum is a two- room school house built in 1934 that portrays a traditional Newfoundland school from that era.

The National Historic District of Port Union shares the stories of a pivotal time in Newfoundland’s history. Sir William Ford Coaker had the vision of a prosperous Newfoundland where the people were educated, skilled, and participating in the global economy. He rallied over 40,000 people to form the Fishermen’s Protective Union which then established the only union-built town in North America. The Factory Interpretation Centre is home to the printing presses, artifacts and records that portray the development of the Union. You can visit The Bungalow, home of Sir William Ford Coaker, and the Port Union Museum located in the 1917 Reid Railway Station.

The history of Catalina Harbour dates back to 1534, when it was visited by the explorer Jacques Cartier. I encourage you to take in the Catalina waterfront where the fishing industry is still very active. The recent significant investment to expand and upgrade the wharf is a visible testimony that the fishery continues to be a vital part of the future of rural Newfoundland and Labrador. While at the waterfront you can check out the Joseph Clouter Library, the oldest public library in Newfoundland outside St. John’s.

It is an honour and privilege to serve as Mayor of Trinity Bay North. There are challenges and there are opportunities. Our future is made stronger because of the partnership and teamwork that exists.

Shelly Blackmore
Municipality of Trinity Bay North
Comprising of Melrose-Port Union-Catalina-Little Catalina

© 2019 - Municipality of Trinity Bay North

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